diff --git a/documentation/Concepts/context.xml b/documentation/Concepts/context.xml
index 16a26ec..8d1cd0a 100644
--- a/documentation/Concepts/context.xml
+++ b/documentation/Concepts/context.xml
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ContextComputer program, its internal states and
transitions between them can be looked at from two different points of view:
control flow and data flow. In order to express and employ control flow
related program's properties Xreate supports mechanism called
context — ability to assign
transcend data to a code blocks in a way that related blocks in the CFG have
- related contexts.
+ related contexts.
Code block's context is exhaustingly defined
as follows:Block's place within the code in terms of
hierarchy of all its respective parents.Historical data determined by previous
visited code blocks in terms of "caller-callee" relation graph.Block level annotations are used to define
context and reason about it. See syntax.Examples of Context Usage: Suggestions and
Requirements//someStringFn = function:: string {...}
main = function:: string; entry
context:: env(utf8).
}In this example the annotation
env(utf8) conveys some information
about the block thus distinguishing it from the others, which allows to
apply specific compilation rules for this block. Suppose someStringFn
has different specializations for different environments. Now it's
possible to invoke specialization tailored for UTF8 environment. In this
case context can be viewed as a suggestion
- to pick up appropriate specialization.
+ to pick up appropriate specialization.
Also there is possibility to define expected
context properties:name - "...."
guard:: safe
crucialOperation = function:: int
main = function:: int; entry
context:: env(safe).
}Function crucialOperation
has only one specialization safe in
the example. If the context does not provide required environment
env(safe)compiler can't find
appropriate specialization and reports compilation error. This is a way
for function to express requirements
or contract to a context it works within.Context PropagationContext
propagation means that contexts of different blocks are
connected reflecting control flow. Context of a particular code block is
- gathered from following sources:
+ gathered from following sources:
Local context — annotations that are
defined within the blockParent context. Block's context inherits
context of its parent reflecting block's place within a
program.Client context. Blocks context also
includes caller's context reflecting control flow. It allows taking
into account in which context a given code is used.Example belowname = "..."
//requires 'safe' context
guard:: safe
crucialOperation = function(a:: int, b::int):: int
{ 0 }
test = function:: int; entry {
context:: env(safe).
range = [1..10]:: [int].
loop fold(range->x::int, 0->acc):: int {
crucialOperation(x, acc) // In the nested scope env(safe) context still accessible
} demonstrates context propagation to a nested
block which is exhibited by availability of a env(safe)
annotation in the context of the nested block blockB
despite being defined in the blockA.Another case is propagation from caller to
a callee. It means context propagates through "caller/callee" relation —
callee inherits caller context. The example below demonstrates
this:name = "..."
toSI = function(x:: int):: int
{ 0 }
calculate = function(x:: int):: int
y = toSI(x):: int.
test = function:: int; entry
context:: units(mm).
} Suppose calculate()works
with values measured in different units. It normalizes each value by
invoking toSI() conversion. One
approach is to keep unit information for each variable independently. But
if we know that entire program or a part of it works only with specific
unit we can register it in a context, units(mm)in
this example, letting functions calculate()
and its callees inherit context allowing compiler to generate code
tailored for specific units only.
- Latex (Late Context)
+ Latex (Late
+ Context)
+ This section is still incomplete. It will
+ be reworked soon.
+ Static(compile-time) context reasoning is
weak since it's able to
infer only partial context, consisting of properties that are true for all
possible paths leading in a CFG to a given block. Beyond that are entries
that depend on exact path in CFG. Such uncertainty is possible to resolve
during runtime once it's known which path exactly is chosen.To solve this problem late
context is introduced - embedding into compiled code certain
instructions to gathered data on relevant occasion at runtime to determine
exact or strong,
context.Latex approach can be described as
follows:Set of all possible context facts for
the given block is computed during compile time. Each such fact is
- associated with code paths it holds for.
+ associated with code paths it holds for.
During execution the information is
gathered which facts are hold depending on actual code path.
Information stored in the late parameters. To convey late context data
the latex parameter is injected into function signature as hidden
parameter.Late parameter is used as guard for
late transcend facts context consists of.name = "..."
import raw ("core/control-context.lp").
compute = function:: int
{ 0 }
computeFast = function:: int {
context:: computation(fast).
computePrecisely = function:: int {
context:: computation(precise).
test = function(cmnd:: int):: int; entry {
context:: arithmetic(iee754).
if (cmnd > 0)::int {computePrecisely()} else {computeFast()}
}Static scopename = "..."
import raw ("core/control-context.lp")
case context:: computation(fast) {
compute = function:: num {
case context:: computation(precise) {
compute = function:: num {
executeComputation= function:: num {
test = function(cmnd:: num):: num; entry {
if (cmnd > 0)::num {
context:: computation(fast).
} else {
context:: computation(precise).
}To sum it up, context consists of two
complements parts: on the one hand static(early)
context, that denotes compile time inference's result and on
the other hand, late(dynamic)
context denotes annotations decided upon at runtime.
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index 5033a93..4f76967 100644
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Xreate ManualXreate is an open source general purpose high
level programming language designed to write efficient and safe computer
programs.Here "high level" has very specific meaning,
implying an ability to easily write, read, as well as adapt software to a
constantly changing environment or business goals. In this respect, any
software product can be evaluated on the basis of the three dimensions:
efficiency, safety, and adaptability. Unfortunately, those properties are
proved to be largely contradictory, for it is manageable to write either
efficient (yet unsafe) or safe (yet impractical) code, but not both. Thus,
the ultimate goal of the language is to allow developers to produce code
that would have all these properties at the same time. Xreate's design
principles allow to adopt any programming technique as long as it does not
improve one dimension at the expense of another.To achieve the aforementioned design goals,
Xreate employs three distinctive layers:Brute.
The lowest layer is called Brute
— this is code that is intended to be actually compiled. Code
on this level implements actual software functionality. It resembles the
usual imperative languages' apparatus and consists of executable
instructions such as arithmetic, branching, input/output, etc.Transcend.
Brute level alone is not enough to constitute a full-fledged language
since code requires various non-executable metadata to express
developer's intents, check correctness, validity and perform other types
of analyses. In Xreate everything of this sort belongs to a layer called
Transcend. Transcend due to
its declarative nature is appropriate to do management-type work — it
analyzes, oversees and controls brute by guiding compilation process.
Everything on this level — logic or transcend facts and rules — is
gathered and sent to an external logic solver to make solutions that are
brought back in order to guide compilation.Interpretation.
There is also Interpretation
— the intermediate level resembling dynamically typed languages that is
used as a contact point and interpreter between brute and transcend and
their respective low level and high level constructs and
structures.On a syntactic level, Xreate is a procedural
language with extensive use of annotations
— arbitrary unconstrained metadata that software developer can attach to
different language constructs, variables and code blocks. Annotations are
completely invisible for the compiler proper and used by transcend more as a
suggestion conveying additional information."a different language
constructs": если подразумевается "конструкции разных языков", тогда лучше
"different languages' constructs". Если конструкции языка, в целом, то тогда
артикль a не нуженMost severe and
hard to resolve problems in software development stem from interaction of
different components on different levels. Each individual component often is
thoroughly tested and works reliably. But combining them when building
end-user software for which purpose complex interaction and extensive IO is
enabled usually leads to a range of runtime errors, security vulnerabilities
and performance degradation.Thus Xreate
places key emphasis on domain-specific component level improvements and
joint use of external resources. This aspect is covered in exploitation
and containers
chapters.Unlike academic
languages, Xreate targets safe and reliable usage of effectful computations
such as IO covered in virtualization
and exploitation
chapters, and mutable structures covered in communication.Basic ExampleTo demonstrate what Xreate is all about,
basic example is given below:name="tests/introduction.cpp: Introduction.Doc_Example_1", lines=15
guard:: iAmVeryFast
div = function(a:: float, b:: float):: float
a / b
guard:: iAmVerySafe
div = function(a:: float, b:: float):: float
if ( b == (0::float)):: float {0::float} else {a / b}
test = function:: float; entry; iAmVerySecure
div(10, 5)
}Here entry point of the program is a
function test recognized so by
compiler because of annotation entry
in its signature. There are also two functions div
called specializations. Each
specialization has a guard that defines a condition that has to be met in
order to invoke this particular specialization. In the example,
specializations of div have
iAmVeryFast and iAmVerySafe
guards, respectively. Let's say that developer specifies two
specializations where the first one is a very fast division
implementation, while the second one is a very safe division
implementation since it checks division by zero, although it is
- unacceptably slow due to an extra check instruction. This is a basis of
+ "unacceptably slow" due to an extra check instruction. This is a basis of
— client's code test is able to work
with any specialization, and compiler must decide which one to invoke with
the only hint it has — annotation iAmVerySecure
in the function test's
signature."provides two specializations"
- возможно, лучший вариант "designates/assigns/allocates two
specializations". Или даже просто specifies/indicates. (PS заменил на
specifies)"unbearably slow" - я бы
заменил на более нейтральное "too slow". Unbearable - это скорее об
ощущениях человека. Или, если под "unbearably" имеется в виду "недопустимо
медленный", тогда - unacceptably slow.All annotations (except entry)
are custom defined by developer itself.This is when transcend comes into play. By
adding a transcend rule as shown below it is possible to associate
annotation iAmVerySecure with
invocation of specialization guarded by iAmVerySafe:name="tests/introduction.cpp: Introduction.Doc_Example_1", lines=15
dfa_callguard(SiteInv, iAmVerySafe):-
dfa_callfn(SiteInv, div);
SiteInv = s(_, _, ScopeInv);
cfa_parent(ScopeInv, function(FnInv));
bind_func(FnInv, iAmVerySecure).Transcend rules are written in ASP syntax —
common syntax to write logic programs. This particular rule reads that for
any function annotated with iAmVerySecure,
certain specialization iAmVerySafe is
chosen for div invocation.In this example an appropriate
specialization is statically resolved, so the other specialization isn't
even compiled.the, потому что их всего
две.By providing custom rules it is possible to
implement any polymorphism strategy, be it performed statically or
dynamically. The example demonstrates basic workflow: transcend gathers
available information about a program such as annotations and using custom
rules makes a decision to guide compilation process, particularly by
selecting appropriate specializations as in the above example.