The Xreate programming language
Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 NanalysisThe analysis' internal routines
 NcfaThe CFA(Control Flow Analysis) related functionality
 NcompilationThe compilation internals used by CompilePass
 NcontainersContainers support. See the explanation
 NdfaThe DFA(Data Flow Analysis) related functionality
 NinterpretationInterpretation support
 NlatereasoningLate Transcend support
 NlatexLatex(Late Context) support
 NmodulesModules support
 NpointerarithmeticPointer arithemitic support
 NpolymorphPolymorphism support
 NtypeinferenceType inference support
 NversionsVersioned variables support. See the explanation