The Xreate programming language
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NcfaThe CFA(Control Flow Analysis) related functionality
 CCFAGraphRepresents CFA analysis data produced by CFAPass
 CCFAPassCFA(Control Flow Analysis) implementation
 CCFATemporalSeqPassCode blocks execution order analysis. The results are stored in the xreate::cfa::TemporalSeqGraph graph
 CTemporalSeqGraphExecution order graph representation. Produced by CFATemporalSeqPass
 NcompilationThe compilation internals used by CompilePass
 CAdvancedInstructionsAdvanced compilation primitives
 CBasicCodeScopeUnitMinimal useful ICodeScopeUnit implementation suited for inheritance
 CBasicFunctionUnitMinimal useful IFunctionUnit implementation suited for inheritance
 CBruteFnInvocationDefault IFnInvocation implementation
 CCachedScopeDecoratorProvides caching ability for code scope compilation
 CCompilePassCustomDecoratorsConstructs compiler with desired Function and Code Scope decorators. See adaptability in xreate::CompilePass
 CContextHolds current position in AST while traversing
 CICodeScopeUnitInterface to allow modification of CodeScope compilation
 CIFnInvocationInterface for custom function invocation operation compilation
 CIFunctionUnitInterface to specify compilation of Function
 CTargetSimilar to xreate::IPass
 CTransformationsScopeDecoratorProvides custom transformations during Code Scope compilation
 CTransformerSaturationLoop saturation support
 CTypeConversionScopeDecoratorProvides automatic type conversion
 NcontainersContainers support. See the explanation
 CIteratorA factory to create a concrete iterator based on the solution provided by xreate::containers::Query
 CIteratorForward< ON_THE_FLY >The lazy container implementation
 CIteratorForward< SOLID >The contiguous container implementation
 CQueryQueries Transcend solutions on containers implementation details
 CASTAST in an inconsistent form during construction
 NdfaThe DFA(Data Flow Analysis) related functionality
 CDFAGraphRepresents DFA Analysis report produced by DFAPass
 CDFAPassData Flow Analysis Pass
 NinterpretationInterpretation support
 CInterpretationFunctionEncapsulates interpretation of a single function
 CInterpretationPassProvides the interpretation analysis. Determines parts of a program eligible for Interpretation by xreate::interpretation::TargetInterpretation
 CInterpretationScopeEncapsulates interpretation of a single code scope
 CInterpretationScopeDecoratorInterpretation-aware Code Scope decorator
 CIntrinsicQueryInstructionintrinsic query statement
 CPIFSignatureSignature of a partially interpreted function
 CPIFunctionEncapsulates partially interpreted function
 CTargetInterpretationEncapsulates interpretation process based on analysis results from InterpretationPass
 NlatereasoningLate Transcend support
 CLateAnnotationRepresents Late Annotation, i.e. an annotation with late or runtime defined parameters
 CLateAnnotationsGroupRepresents a group of all late annotations attached to a specific target
 CLateReasoningCompilerLate Transcend compilation support
 CLateReasoningDFAPassDecoratorDecorates dfa::DFAPass to recognize and extract late annotations
 CLateReasoningScopeKeeps track of defined late transcend parameters
 CLateReasoningTranscendDecoratorDecorates TranscendLayer to support late annotations processing
 NlatexLatex(Late Context) support
 CExtraArgsFnInvocationFunction invocation operator decorator to handle latex enabled functions with hidden extra arguments
 CLatexBruteFunctionDecoratorLatex(Late Context)-aware decorator for xreate::compilation::IFunctionUnit
 CLatexBruteScopeDecoratorLatex aware xreate::compilation::ICodeScopeUnit decorator
 CLatexQueryQueries Transcend solution on Context implementation details
 NmodulesModules support
 CModuleRecordAn individual module specific information
 CModulesSolverA module's requirements resolver
 CXreateManagerDecoratorModulesXreateManager decorator to support Modules
 NpointerarithmeticPointer arithemitic support
 CPointerArithmeticPointer arithmetic operators
 NpolymorphPolymorphism support
 CPolymorphCodeScopeUnitPolymorphism aware xreate::compilation::ICodeScopeUnit decorator
 CPolymorphFnInvocationAn instance of compilation::IFnInvocation to manage polymorphic functions invocation
 CPolymorphQueryQueries Transcend solution on Polymorphism implementation details
 NversionsVersioned variables support. See the explanation
 CVersionedFunctionDecoratorA Versions-aware function level decorator. Not used currently
 CVersionsGraphRepresents the results of the versions analysis provided by VersionsPass
 CVersionsPassImplements the versions analysis and stores the results in VersionsGraph
 CVersionsScopeDecoratorVersioned variables code scope level compilation support
 CAbstractPassMinimal xreate::IPass implementation useful for many passes as the base class
 CASTAST in a consistent state
 CAttachmentsImplements AST attachments mechanism to facilitate data sharing among different analyzers and compilation phases
 CAttachmentsDictAttachments dictionary
 CCodeScopeAST node to represent a single code block/a scope of visibility
 CCompilePassThe owner of the compilation process. Performs fundamental compilation activities along with the xreate::compilation's routines
 CDecoratorsDictDecorators support
 CExpressionAST node to represent a single instruction or an annotation
 CExpressionHintsXreate::Expression static information
 CExternLayerA wrapper over Clang
 CFunctionAST node to represent a single function
 CIAnalysisReportSupplies TranscendLayer with results of an analysis
 CIPassInterface for all passes to inherit. xreate::PassManager holds a collection of passes to execute
 CIQueryTranscend solutions querying interface
 CLLVMLayerA wrapper over LLVM toolchain to generate and execute bytecode
 CPassContextHolds current position in the AST during traverse
 CPassManagerThe base class to control passes
 CStructUpdateStruct update operators
 CSymbolCacheStores processing results for the already visited nodes
 CSymbolCache< void >Set of the already visited nodes
 CTranscendLayerLogic reasoning implementation. Internally, it's a proxy to the external ASP solver Clasp
 CTypeAnnotationA type representation to support type system
 CXreateManagerEntry point of Xreate API
 CXreateManagerDecoratorBaseSimple XreateManager's backend intended for inheritance, does not provide much functionality
 CXreateManagerDecoratorFullXreateManager's backend intended to initialize all builtin passes